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Where's Louie

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Judit Fritz and Stefan Axelsen met nine years ago. During a discussion about artistic references, the idea emerged to combine Stefan’s music with Judit’s poetry. At that point Stefan had a sketch of a song that Judit believed was too good to not complete and release. A scenario in text started to grow, centered around a psychiatric commitment, mistakenly interpreted as a retreat-weekend. Forming was also a main character, and her companion Louie. Eventually, the project was put on hold as both Judit and Stefan simultaneously worked on many other projects of their own. However, the ideas around ”Where’s Louie” were always present, and it was always certain that the project eventually would happen.

During the long paus Stefan continued creating on his own, and two years ago it was finally decided that four songs that had between them a similar cinematic soundscape would be completed. With Judit’s and Stefan’s mutual references from film and poetry, the music is to be seen as a small portion of a greater story about dystopian love, madness, and confusion.

The completion of the project ”Where’s Louie” has been executed within a small intimate group of people that often exchange musical and technical favors between each other. Besides Judit and Stefan, the music includes Erik Fritz on drums and percussions, Eskil Janson as recording technician, co-producer and choir, and Stina Janson, choir.

Here is the first of the four songs ”Chanel No5”.


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